Whether or not i believe that a blog is a useful tool, is beside the point.
The point is, I have to do it. I must follow orders. I must listen and obey. And follow the others.
It supposes that i will indeed listen and indeed follow instruction. It supposes that if i do not do the work, i'll get a whoopin'. And even though this is true, i still find myself questioning MYSELF.
To quote an extremely intelligent writer;
"If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, "the law is an ass, a idiot."
This was written by Charles Dickens, taken from his novel "Oliver Twist."
Supposing that, by 'law', each time i failed a subject, another year was added to my course. Excuse me, but go and sleep in a hut. I would drop out instantaneously.
It worries me that the only way to prove that we have the ability to create something amazing, is to write it down in a blog. My cynicism may not make much sense. But really think about it, and we don't really trust each other. At all. I understand why though, we're all lying scum in the end, but if we tried to trust each other a little more, maybe we wouldn't need these bloody things.
Sounds like i'm preaching world peace, but i'm not. I'm just thinking that if we all just shut up a little and listened to everyone else, maybe we'd give others the opportunity to breathe a little.
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